Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Beginning

My name is Abraham, and I'm 11 years old, like you are, or will be, or once were. You might say I am different because I have special powers. For instance, I can become invisible, I can see through people, I can see into the future, I have a special connection with the Woods Spirit, and, oh yes, I'm imaginary.

But, let me tell you this. We are all imaginary in a way. We live in our imagination first and then become someone. Of course, this doesn't apply to people who allow others to tell them who they are by judging their actions and their appearance. Not only that, but those powers I referred to - I wasn't bragging; you could have all of them too.

A couple of years ago I met a boy and a girl who became my best friends, and then they vanished into thin air 12 months ago. I would tell you their names, but I don't think they went by their real names. Besides that, if the names they used were real, I'm sure their parents would have changed them by now, so the police wouldn't be able to trace them. If I told you their whole story, it would probably be confusing, and it's not what is important right now.

I am going to write their story. Immediately, there is something much more pressing. I need to find them, because these two are in danger of believing they no longer have a spirit, and that would destroy them. I can tell if someone believes she or he has a spirit in about 15 minutes. For the last year I've been checking out everyone I meet to see where they stand with their spirits, and I haven't found my two friends or anyone who might have met them.

That has led me to two conclusions - their parents must have taken them far away, and there isn't enough time in my life to find them on my own. So I considered giving up. That's when the Woods Spirit spoke to me. That's when she always does, when you're totally frustrated, have tried everything you can think of, can't see the answer, but can't bear the thought of giving up.

She said, "Use the Internet."

I'm not so backwards that I have never heard of the Internet. I've shied away from it, though, because it takes you places you can't have first hand knowledge of and you're not sure you can trust. You hear about viruses, identity theft, scams, spam, evil people who are looking to prey upon gullible people such as myself.

On the other hand, the Internet does reach everywhere and to places and people whom I would never be able to meet. And there are more good people out there than bad ones. I need your help in locating them. I will teach you how to spot them, but first I have to find out how much you already know about people and their spirits.

How can you tell if a person acts as if she or he has a spirit?

Do you believe you have a spirit?


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